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Database End-User Tools


Software Interfaces, Inc.

SQLASSIST is a powerful and sophisticated decision support system with adhoc querying, analysis, reporting, and data conversion facilities.SQLASSIST offers an integrated solution for the novice end user who needsquick and easy data access and analysis tools, and for the expertdatabase administrator who needs state-of-the-art performance andfunctionality.With SQLASSIST, users can easily locate, access, and analyze data fromhundreds of relational database tables. For nontechnical users,SQLASSIST's drop-down menus and dialog boxes shield them from having toknow complex databse design and the SQL query language. SQLASSISToptimizes queries, joins, and paths in the background. Querying isintuitive and simple, from querying on the fly to querying withpredefined templates using runtime variables or with data in popup lists.A Query Advisor guards against users sending inefficient or potentialrunaway queries.For database experts, SQLASSIST creates correct, efficient, and complexSQL statements, and can read previously written SQL statements so thatvaluable investment is not lost. Because SQLASSIST runs directly againstthe database engine, there is no need to set up or maintain a separatedata dictionary. An interactive SQL mode is also available for writing,editing, and viewing SQL statements in the traditional manner. SQLASSISTsupports the major database vendors' SQL extensions, plus primary andforeign keys.Novice users can create a rich variety of reports in minutes. Reporttypes include simple to complex columnar, matrix (cross tab), and summarystyles. In a report, users can create new columns, use if-then-elsestatements, create an unlimited number of breaks, calculate on rows andcolumns, and place expressions anywhere, including in page headers andfooters. Other features include printing a query with a report, textwrapping in or spanning across columns, support for dozens of data types,easy row/column transposition, PostScript printing, and charting andgraphing.Executives and managers can convert the query data or report to EXCEL,Lotus 1-2-3, dBase, WordPerfect mail merge, delimited, and many otherformats. Researchers can convert query data, in a single step, intoadvanced statistical applications such as RS/1 and the SAS System. Thesefast and easy conversions can save an organization thousands of hours inreformatting and rekeying.SQLASSIST protects and maximizes the performance of information systemresources. SQLASSIST is a read-only data access tool, so users cannotcorrupt valuable data. SQLASSIST enforces the database and systemrestrictions on tables, columns, and rows, and also provides table andcolumn restrictions from within SQLASSIST. It also runs directly againstthe database engine so there is no performance loss.SQLASSIST's design philosophy allows an organization to leverage itsexisting information systems' investment, as well as to take advantage ofemerging technologies. Databases currently supported via their nativeAPIs include DB2, INFORMIX, INGRES, MS SQL Server, ORACLE, Rdb/VMS, andSYBASE. EDA/SQL and ODBC support provides access to databases such as inWatcom, Paradox, dBASE, Excel, and more. Platforms and operating systemssupported include SunOS(TM), Solaris(R), VAX/VMS, DEC/ULTRIX, DEC/Alpha,HP and RS 6. SQLASSIST is available for character-based, MicrosoftWindows, and OSF/Motif environments, and supports multiple networkprotocols.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4

Software Interfaces, Inc.
1400 Broadfield Blvd Suite 600
Houston, TX 77084
Phone: (713) 492-0707
Fax: (713) 492-0725